Category Archives: Message from Multidimensional Ocean

My Thoughts Sharing by Multidimensional Ocean – 30th March 2020

                                                                                     Hi everybody,
Heaven is Awesome" Bible Lesson for Kids (Revelation 21 ...
I am sharing this very important video from David, as SaLuSa recommends it to us all. Watching it in stages, to fit in shopping, cooking, washing up, and a walk in between 🙂 !Trying to keep fit and healthy as SaLuSa says.`I just wanted to share some of my own personal thoughts on David’s video. (click on David’s name to go watch his video)

1- I do recall the English royal saying a few years ago that he wanted to come back as a virus so that he could kill many people. I am thinking Prince Philip and possibly Harry at some point. There could be a link with the so-called Megxit and Brexit. Do the Royals in the UK know a few things that were not made public. Is it a coincidence that the British left the EU at this particular point in time ? Does the Royal Couple Harry and Megan want to distance themselves with some of the Family traditional order of business. Prince Charles has been cleared after having had the virus for a couple of days. No doubt he had the best possible care, which I am in fact glad of, as he has been trying to perhaps redeem himself with good will environmental examples.

2- The obvious metaphor in the Biblical term of the 3 days of darkness before Easter time, and the resurrection of Jesus. What a better time for the Mass Arrests and New Beginnings. I wonder if this will be the time of the Return of Jesus or second coming, as per the Gospels. There is certainly an apocalyptic eerie feeling with no cars around, and only a few lost souls walking their dog or child. Shops are peaceful too. We certainly had global wars, diseases, wars in Palestine with Israel, division in Jerusalem, environmental disasters, an air of definite chaos and the general feeling that this world can no longer sustain itself under the current format, and neither can the Planet deal with the madness of our vibrations, wars, sufferings, abuse of the animal world, and of the environment.
The timings could literally coincide with Good Friday and Easter ! Wow !

3- It seems that a sense of community is born from this, and I thank those of us who died for this and who will die from this virus, so that this can take place for the planet and for humanity. It is the end of the journey among us here, but as SaLuSa says, the fight for those continue with the light beings.

4- What will exactly take place and when is yet entirely unknown, but from David’s message, the Mass Arrests will not be the end, as return to normal will be progressive for some reason. Perhaps we will move on to the biggest adversary to take down: the famous Antichrist. So the fight for the light may continue yet a little bit more, and it may just be the beginning of the final “fight” for the planet.

5- Remember whatever happens to remain centered within yourself, not to give into despair, fear, violence or anger. This is a test also for all of us to face together, and we do have each other in this. The Creator light lives within all of us, it is a matter of getting connected to it, especially when we feel sad, depressed, down, angry, frustrated.

6- Personally I feel that the most important for many of us is not to fall into depression. I would recommend everybody to make sure that they go for a walk daily or at least to exercise 4 to 5 times a week for about 15 to 20 minutes. There are various fitness online programs. Remember that staying fit, will boost your immune system, but also trigger your feel good  hormones. Our bodies are made to be used. Many times, we spend our days in front of a computer, with disregard for the here and now, for our own divine presence, for our friends and family, and for our mental health needs. We forget to forge relationships with others and to provide for our body’s most essential physical needs.
This is why I feel this time alone, or with family is important for all of us. We need to look within… ourself and in what is going on with our own life.

7 – Last, but not least. I do feel that there is a huge significance behind this Coronavirus world approach. We are just beginning to see the tip of the iceberg I feel. I am sure that many developments and changes in our society will be rectified for the better. I do see the people taking their will power back and their democracy back, for real ! I do see a peaceful revolution taking place worldwide, in a fair and disciplined organised manner in the coming weeks and months as a result of this vital time upon us…. more to follow !

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Twin Flame Update – 25 July 2014 – Multidimensional Ocean

imagesJust wanted to share a few insights I have experienced for the past few days with my twin flame.
First of all, the best time to experience the connection with your twin flame is when I am in between those states of being asleep and awake. You know, the time of the day when you are about to awake, and something is pulling you back into dreamland. I can experience my twin pulling me back into shared dreams with him.
The connection then is very direct, pure, simple, and strong. Continue reading

Back for a while

Well back from an amazing long weekend away. So tired that i spent most of the day relaxing, walking and sleeping. Nice to be home, all together for a week. Then I go off for a whole week to my spiritual group.
It was so good to sense the power of a work group working as one with spirit. The loving, caring, supporting, accepting presence of the energy we generated was present at all times with us during our 4 days.
Missing it already, but it is always part of who I am
Being a multidimensional being is an amazing business! totally awesome!

Someone within facebook that deletes lightworkers accounts

Someone within facebook that deletes lightworkers accounts, it happened to another facebook friend of mine on facebook 2 days ago too.. all her 5000 friends and 800 followers gone..
Same happened to me two weeks ago: they deleted my facebook account the 3d or 4th time that facebook is doing that to my account in 3 or 4 year, and they deleted my groups that i had under the same account too.

Only facebook could have known what facebook groups I had created under that previous account.

My new facebook account is: Continue reading

Twin Flame Share of the Day – 6 July 2014

draft_lens20972162module167268804photo_1365989410a_Connecting with my twin flame is always so wonderful and stronger Saturday night and Sunday morning. It is usually always present in the morning while I am in between sleep and waking state. We always talk at this point, exchange feelings, emotions, thoughts, and energy.  Continue reading

Reminder – Donations for May Welcome

donation-canJust as a way of expressing gratitude for my work and channeled messages, a donation, even if small, would be much appreciated at the moment for May.

I am only asking those of you who can afford to help. Please also help the smaller websites, such as mine. Not only the big ones.

I usually get under $100 per month on donation on average. Would appreciate some help ❤

Thank you.

Love and light


Quick Energy Update from Higher Self by Multidiocean – 16 March 2014

yoga-armswideWell the energies are running high and low I believe. While the world manifests an outwardly layer of fear, injustice, war, all enhanced and exaggerated by the media corporately owned hype. The media purpose is truly to keep us worried, scared and interested in their updates, while they are keeping us stuck in the reptilian part of our brain, or else also called the fight or flight mode.
Truly this is designed with intent and purpose, as we will then carry those vibrations into our heart, head and homes, spreading those vibrations reflecting violence and fear all around us, like a virus that is airborne.
At this point, I would not be surprised if the media was actually making up some of their news to keep the wheel spinning.
Make sure to remove yourself from those vibrations, especially at the moment, deprived of all humanity and sensibility.  Continue reading

Personal Message from Laura Multidimensional Ocean – 19 Feb. 2014

Personal Message from Laura Multidimensional Ocean – 19 Feb. 2014
Just a quick remark about the current energies. It is all up in the air, all out and about. We are battered by wind, storms, floods, cold, long nights, long working hours, perhaps long commutes, stress, family, children, elderly family, or ill family needing help also from us.
It seems to me that many around me, including me, are pushed in all directions, and pressurized by external circumstances and demands.
How difficult to make room for our own human basic needs for balance, love, happiness, for our interests, to relax and to be in the company of loved ones.  Continue reading

Short Personal Update – Laura 26 Jan. 2014

Hi lovely folks! wishing you a great week! may the light reside in your heart and in your thoughts. I am back to my second work placement for 3 months starting tomorrow. I will have about 4 weeks off from work till mid May, so that i can work on assignments. Needless to say that it is going to be even more stressful than the previous few months i had. As a consequence, it is going to be touch and go with me, so don’t worry. All is well, just busy finishing the last 5 months before i qualilfy.. oh no! wait.. there is another year to do next year.. i may need a year off away from this stress though. will see 
Hugs and light to everybody! and go within whenever you get the chance and remember who you are   
Laura Multidimensionalocean

Message from Laura’s Guides – 3 Jan. 2013

telepathic-peopleHi guys!
I usually receive daily updates during my day, either during meditation, or just while I do house jobs, or walk, or sometimes out of the blue in any situation.
The updates are usually about a deeper question that I have wondered about, or asked my Higher Self, or my guides.
Today’s message was about reality and the subconscious of humans.
The message said that whatever we wish to communicate to others, no matter the distance, we can visualize or tell them through telepathy. Continue reading

About me ! – 12- 12- 2013 – Multidimensional Ocean

Hi guys! 

A few people have asked me on private questions about me, my channeling work and technique, or had other discussions. Usually, I don’t have enough time to have one to one email with people and friends. This is because I work and study at the same time, and try to run 2 websites, and channel as well.. and with a slow broadband and windows 8.1 .. this is tricky.. and painful at times, not to mention the 3 hours daily travel time, the preparation for the next day’s work and classes (takes up to 5 hours per night), and the exams and readings I have to do for my post grad course.

So I am sorry if I can’t reply to emails or chats til roughly June, when I will be busy applying for a job… !

Such is my path in life, I have to work hard to make a living for me and help my family as well. No other way of surviving for us otherwise. So I thought I would say a little about me and my channeling work and try to hit on a few readers’ questions while I am home sick for the day… 



– I was born in East Europe on a farm. I have traveled from age 7 with my family in a few countries in Europe and since I am an adult I have lived in 2 European countries.

– I have always recalled living on Mars and on the Moon, in previous lives of course. I used to tell of those things to my family, but they always told me that there is no one living on other planets and that there is no extra- terrestrial life in the Universe. Which made me sad and scared, and I have always told them that that was not true, that life was plentiful in the universe, otherwise why would the universe be so big, if it was just all for our planet. We agreed on that.

– Since one particular day at age 3, I have always known that I was on Earth for a specific purpose, even though I still don’t fully know that purpose. But I did know that my life and mission was different on Earth than most of the people living on it. I have been trying to recall my mission since age 3, when I noticed that my memory was becoming corrupted and that I begun forgetting what happened the day before, unless I really thought about it. Continue reading