Category Archives: Nadir

Laura – Sharing a message from my Twin Flame – 18 Dec 2012

I am having the same conversations with my Twin flame’s Higher Self while asleep as while awake with his 3d self, here on Earth. Nice confirmation of the whole Aurora dreamflights being genuine! :)
He said this morning, just before I woke up, that I must remember, ALWAYS, that his 3d aspect, that i will call Mr. X, is composed of 2 beings. One is Nadir (the

higher self ) and the other is Mr. X (the human aspect). He also explained that this is why there is the inner conflict going on inside of us both all the time.
The human part of us, wishes to get on with its routine, and all 3D stuff, it needs to look after mondaine 3d things: like work, children, friends, maintenance, cleaning and cooking, organizing, nothing is wrong with any of these. Continue reading

Message from Nadir on Positive Feeling and Sandy Meditation

Just a quick word to say I that I could feel the effects of the storm all across the Atlantic. Not a pleasant feeling. This morning the energies around here are much more positive, and I could feel the geoengineering devices in my proximity have been stopped somehow.

I asked my contacts to comment on the storm, all i have received was a “sorry, but not now Laura, we are all busy” message… however Nadir, my twin flame’s Higher Self did say that we need to be rejoice and feel positive at the moment. He encouraged us to take part in the meditation on Monday 11am/5pm/11pm EDT.

He said that our focus is right on target, and that we can divert the storm even if the geoengineering devices are still on. I am asked to visualize the storm dissipate, and blown back towards the Ocean. Keep on focusing on this, we are winning!! In addition to the meditation time, please visualize in your own time also, ask for your Higher Self and Guides for protection, guidance and help in this task. Continue reading

Word in Semi- Sleep State – He Finally Told me His Name | AuroraDreamflight with Adrial

I continuously keep dreaming and sensing this wonderful being’s presence around me for over one year now. It feels like the presence of any other Ascended Being: pure golden love, unconditional, a constant stream of love, uninterrupted, all forgiving, understanding and compassionate. His energy is able to mix with mine on the higher planes, it is a very palpable phenomenon to me in the higher realms, as our higher selfves are merging and melting in each other’s energies.

My 3D self, Laura, is also able to recognise him, his presence in her body, in her mind, all encompassing and enveloping Laura’s heart with pure love, golden warm light and affection, protection and passion.

I rightfully or not call this person my twin flame, and our lives in 3D are kept apart for many reasons, which I will not go into now. I guess it is a combination of circumstances, including fears and specially agreements between our higher selves among other reasons.

When we are reunited in 3D, our relationship is telepathic to the point of feeling as if both our minds work as one. We finish in our awaken state our conversations in our dreams. Although, I must admit all is somehow scary for me to experience such a deep level of connection with someone, to feel, think and to know as one.

I am also aware of his presence during my days, in my mind, in the background. We communicate a lot in dreams, this is when all my questions about his human aspect are answered. All my questions about his 3D life, about his work, about marriage, or why he smokes cigarettes first thing in the morning, about his relationship with others and his relationship with me are answered in dreams. Continue reading