Tag Archives: Earth

SaLuSa by Laura Multidimensionalocean 19 Sept 2013

earth_sts118_bigDear ones, we are so pleased to see you unite and work together as one during this last stretch towards the last awakening phase of the masses.
We enjoying immensly to see you work online, with so much love, compassion and understanding of each other.
Many of you still have great expectations for the Ascension stage, many of you do not really see that in a way, most of you have already ascended, but just wish to keep the game going, in order that more brothers and sisters of yours would come with you.
It is very difficult for many of you to let go of your earthly life and duties.
It is so difficult for you to let go of your loved ones, that you have decided to keep the matrix going for as long as necessary for your loved ones to also be in a position of ascending. Continue reading


July 8, 2013

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Greetings dear ones, we are the Arcturian group.

We wanted to salute once again your courage for being part and embracing the material world on Gaia. You accepted to come down on Mother Earth and to descend from being fully conscious beings to being limited by the material form you have taken. This is a heavy duty for you to undertake, fully knowing that the vibrations of your souls were not suited to live in a material environment.

Many of you have struggled all your life with the 3d mentality and way of doing things. Since a very young age you have observed a world that made very little sense to you, fully knowing who you were and why you were here. As your age progressed, the memories of your mission on Earth had subsided, and you were left with many questions concerning the human way of life, and were surprised to find yourself stuck into the human uni-matrix, with tools that did not match your needs and abilities.

Many times, you thought that you were mentally unstable or ill, that you just did not have any skills to respond to your outer environment, that you were unworthy of happiness, and undeserving of a good job, of a good relationship, of all the good things that this 3D world had to offer.

You always considered yourself as being an outsider, as not being part of the “rat race” so to speak. You always considered yourself last, when people around you were showing a selfish behaviour, competed against each other, and behaved in a ruthless manner in your opinion.

You could never fully understand the root cause of this carry on, and never found any sense in the artificialness of it all down on Gaia.

Many of you also suffer from feeling trapped in this matrix, and wish for a way out, contemplating the worse ways of coming out of it.

We come today to remind you that those feelings are natural for ascended beings, who have accepted to lower their vibrations to match the current vibrations on Mother Earth. The feeling of entrapment is a natural one, as you do not enjoy the freedom and independence that you benefited from as an ascended being.

Very little makes sense to you right now, except for the intense feeling that someone is pulling the strings behind the scenes, in order to make this world crueller and crueller with each passing day, and enjoying the sight of suffering, pain, discord, agony, and desperation.

We recommend that you turn inside of you dear ones, acknowledge your state of being, your feelings, and care for them as if they were those of a lonely child. We salute your pain, and feeling of hopelessness, dear ones.

We salute those of you who have been pulled fully into the 3D Gaia uni-matrix, those of you suffer the less and have forgotten who they are fully once into their adult life. However, at a deeper level, you know that something is amiss and of the need to reconnect with your star family and friends.

We encourage you to come together in communities of souls who understand what you are experiencing, and who have similar feelings. We encourage you to share your feelings and speak of them to those you respect and that you feel safe with. Speaking of your issues is vital to your soul and to your own understanding, to uncover what lies deep into your heart and to feel the emptiness you feel at times of living in a seemingly soulless world.

You are the hope of this world, you are the hope of many star nations, and we send our love as always and pray that you can make a difference together, as you were meant to do.

We love you very much

The Arcturian Group

Channel: Laura Multidimensional Ocean


Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: https://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com   andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/

Message for Twin Flames from my Guides 6 July 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean

947177_10151555175639023_1454024380_nDear Twin, this is a message from your other twin for those of you feeling lonely, unwanted, sad, and missing your other half.
We hear and know of your longing to be reunited with your true twin, with the one and lonely, with your other half.
This is the person that you turn to when you are alseep, that your subconscious mind refers to day and night, and compares your Earthly relationships with, and even your relationship with your first loved ones: your parents.
The twin flame love is all embracing, all powerful, all encompassing, all union and blending in oness.
Nothing on Earth can ever equal this true love, which knows no boundaries, no limit, no taboo, no forbidden games.
Your twin is always aware of you, no matter whether this person is on Earth or not, you are always connected and one in the higher realms. You are in constant communication whether you know it or not, and you can hear each other’s thoughts, you can feel each other’s unconditional and consdous love at all times, just stop and listen inside.
Your true twin is the one you have been seeking for a life time, when you meet a new person, your subconscious mind compares this person to your twin, and searches for the qualities in this new person which are comparable to your twins’.
This is the reason why you are more attracted to certain people than others, or sometimes for no apparent reason, other than the fact the that person’s energy and vibration resembles that of your true twin.
You have been searching for your twin for your entire incarnation, day and night, all the love that you give to a person is the love that you give to your twin and that you have received from your twin.
When you are hurt, tired, and discouraged, your subconscious turns to your twin for true comfort and true love.
Your twin is the source of your healing, of true love and joy, eventhough many of you on Earth may feel the need for getting on with your lives separated in the 3d sense and with someone else. In truth, twin flames can never be apart and are always a part of each other, even when separated by great distances, pain, hurt or sorrow.
Those tricks of the mind cannot keep your essences apart.
We love you very much, your guardian angels.
Channel: Multidimensional Ocean

Neptune King of Mars is near Earth’s Orbit Again – 5th July 2013

mermaid-16Neptune King of Mars – 5th July 2013

Here I come again; it has been a long time since we last communicated with your mind. Earth and Mars’ orbit are often so far, that we find it impossible to reach your mind and thoughts from our planet. We are now moving closer to one another again until November 2013, which will allow me to be within communication range for a few months! This is good if my company pleases you, if not… what can I say? (happy giggles from Neptune)

Our minds may be separated by distance, but our hearts are not. Deep down you know you have a true connection to us, the mer people from Mars. You instinctively know of our existence, and do not need convincing of our presence even on your Earth.

My brothers and sisters on your planet do not want any attention from your governments and scheming scientists, army, and politicians. All they wish for is to live in peace in the depths of your oceans.  They only wish to leave in peace, alone and to be safe from sonars, radars and any fisherman, explorer or scientist wishing to hunt them down, and thinking that they are just another fish for them to eat. Which is an insult even to the life forms that you call fish and to mer people as well… but let us not go on the path of war after one year of absence.

My message of today is mainly a greeting and a joyous event as we are now again within close range. Let me tell you a little more about us and about the conditions we live in here , on Mars.

First you must know that inside our wonderful planet Mars, there is a vast ocean of water, fresh, pure, tasty water. Very good quality for us and our children. We refer to the water quality, as you would refer to the air quality. We are very proud of the pristine conditions of our birth place.

Parts of the inner ocean is in the darkness constantly, while other parts of it are subject to Mars’ inner sun’s rays and radiation. These cosmic rays and radiations are of no harm to us at all, and contribute to our inner well beings and happiness.

Our bodies are stronger and of various sizes. I, myself, am a large being, which is proportional to my age. The younger generation is smaller, faster, and more agile in many ways. There is a natural genetic enhancement taking place among our species on regular basis, an upgrade of sorts if you will. These upgrades occur naturally, and without any interference on our part, it is part of the evolution process for us.

Our skin pigmentation is also different to yours, we would be more in the white and blue tones in comparison with most of you on Earth.

We, as the dolphins do, have an x ray vision, we can see at night, and we can analyse with our eyes through matter.

Our hearing system is very efficient also, although it does not function the same as yours. Our hearing is more based on water movements, currents, brain waves, and telepathy. We also receive imagery with these carrier waves, so in a sense we can see and hear what is taking place hundred or even thousands of miles around us.

The older one is, the more powerful psychic abilities one has, and the wiser one becomes, at least this is what I would like to think in my case. (Giggles from Neptune).

We spend our days roaming the Mars oceans, racing each other, entertaining, and meditating. We also have some  duties and obligations that we must carry out in order to ensure the proper functioning of our society.

We do have space ships, they are in fact water ships, full of water inside, which is our natural environment.

I see that you are getting tired, so I will now leave and return to my activities, hoping that we can renew our communications soon.

Be at peace, live in love

Your friend Neptune, the King of Mars.

June 21st Energy Update – Multidimensional Ocean

o-SUMMER-SOLSTICE-facebookHi everybody, no message as such today from anybody, as I am feeling very tired and in muscular tension, under these circumstances a message never comes through.

However, i thought I would share my own impressions of today’s energies, which has been confired by many facebook friends.

The energies feel rather heavy to me, although there is a definite finer energy behind the current heaviness.

The immune system seems to be weakened, the nervous system is also under some amount of strain. Nervousness and tensinos arise easily today, due to the planetary configuration.

It feels to me like some people are finding it difficult to let go of the increase of day light, and resent the receeding of the days from now on.

Much impatience is also in the air and short temper, this I have witnessed online also, but what is new there, you would ask me?

This is an opportunity of receiving a few pleasant surprises, sometimes unexpected.

I would say that there are 2 rivers running side by side: one contains heavy polluted water, the other one is full of life, of joy, and of purity. Which river would you rather be in is the question, if only you and I had the choice!

Perhaps this is as good an opportunity as any other to continue the inner search necessary to lift up the veil of heaviness, the layer of cloud, the physical and emotional tension.

I would not recommend heavy drinking, or late partying under the current highly emotionally charged energies, as it would be very easy for any of us to fly off the handle. Which may explain the world wide demonstrations and the global weather anomalies, which may or may not be Ha.a.r.p connected.

I would recommend, apart from going within, to relax tonight, stay alone and watch your favorite show or movie. These energies will pass by tomorrow mainly I feel, a good nights’ sleep would go a long way towards helping this.

Have a wonderful Summer Solstice, Much love, Laura


Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: https://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com   andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/

The Illusions and Tricks of the Mind – Multidimensional Ocean 7 June 2013

Imaya LadyAt the moment I am receiving plenty of questions on email and on facebook asking me things directly or asking me to ask the Galactic Federation questions.

I am afraid that the only message I have received concerning any of these questions is not to fall into the trap of the illusion.

I would like to address first of all, regarding me asking the Galactic Federations for answers:

1-      I wish to remind people that channels are far from being 100% accurate. I may misinterpret something, they may also perceive the question not the way the person who asks means it, or the way I mean it.

2-      The channel is the intermediary, so the channel’s mind is filtering all the information that comes through, so it is possible that I am blocking subconsciously something, or misinterpret something in order to fit with my own view and understanding of something.

3-      You can all have access to the answers you seek yourself, directly. All you need is to ask the question deeply and repeatedly when you are calm or meditate. Perhaps ask the question to your guides several times over a period of one week and weigh this with your other knowledge and with your own being.

4-      Last, but not least, I am only concerned with spiritual matters. I have no interest in asking about anything other than that, and neither have my guides any desire of interfering with our outer life.

5-      SaLuSa is one of my guides. I have been in contact with several Galactic beings, not all are human in fact. Those contacts have been through dream states, and telepathy, but also in a more direct manner, such as holographs and orbs, or flashes of light. The messages I receive from SaLuSa are as him being one of my guides, not so much as a representative of the Galactic Federation, and his messages usually mainly deal with spirituality and love on my request and of common agreement.

Concerning asking me for my own opinion or understanding:

1-      your guess is as good as mine! I have never claimed to have any superior knowledge of politics or economy than any other person. So I invite you to use discernment and to broaden your sources of information, to open your mind, and heart, including the opinions which you do not wish to hear, and that you disagree with.

2-      Everything is part of the picture, and needs to be included. Denial, rejection of inconvenient facts is not my way. Knowing the lies that are being put up there is also part of it. I wish to know as much as I can, but also to question everything and everybody daily, including myself, my guides and my friends.

3-      Of course, with so much going on, it is understandable that one wishes to take a step back from the illusion thrown upon us by those in power and go within. It is normal to feel insecure and uncertain, and seeing it is what is needed. No need to feel ashamed of what you see in yourself.

4-      I would encourage all those who are seeking a way to work in groups and meet people; work alone on spirituality is very limited for many reasons, unless you have chosen a life of isolation for this life. If you live in isolated areas, the internet can open doors for you, and if you are sincere, I believe that in time, you will be guided to what you need at this time, and that new possibilities and door will open for you from above when it is right for you to do so. I myself have been part of spiritual group since June 1997. Although I have memories of past lives and of “between lives” since I am 3 years old. So I have been a seeker since I am 3: I needed to know who I am and why I was there since age 3.

5-      We all have the ability to draw information from our own higher self, and from our own guides. The aim of this life (for me at least) is to use our own light and discernment, to form our own opinions and way.

In conclusion:

Please do not ask me to form an opinion for you, as in my view, it is your own responsibility and duty to open up to your own light, in order to see the bigger picture and to be able to help Mother Earth in her Ascension.

Do not be afraid of making mistakes, as these are also part of the way to enlightenment and learning I believe. Use the mistakes to improve your knowledge and understanding.

In my opinion what matter is the journey to finding our own answers, the discoveries have any value only if made by ourselves, as part of a loving group and society. However, there are steps that must be taken individually, and that must crystallise within your being in order to grow as an individual in this material world.

This journey of self-discovery matters much more than the answers in themselves. This is a slow process that we all need to know, and I am afraid getting the answers from a friend or a channel is not the way to go about it.

This is not a state exam, it is your life work, the only thing that we take with us in the afterlife is the accumulation of these vibrations of love and consciousness.

The only substance that can never be taken away from us, the search is much more important the than the findings as I understand things for now, as it is the search itself that develops and generates these vibrations.

I wish everybody a wonderful weekend.

Hugs and love, Laura Multidimensional Ocean


Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: https://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com   andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/

Crossing the Dimensional Waters – Message from Higher Self and Multidimensional Ocean– 5 June 2013


Rainbow World2Hi everybody, I just wanted to share with you a short message from my Higher Self, thatI have received during my meditation.

We are all multidimensional beings, crossing the dimensions at will and unknowingly. The higher your vibrations and natural positivity, the higher dimension you are dwelling upon.

Our states fluctuate constantly from one dimension to the other, being in several dimensions at the same time. Very often we live in several dimensions at the same time. However, most of us at the present time are mostly in the vibrations of fear and anxiety, which results in being mostly in the lower 3d vibrations for most of the waking state.

In order to break the cycle of fear and lower density, regular moments of coming back to oneself is needed throughout the day, especially morning and night time. The best time to cross across the magic of dimensions is at sun set and sun dawn, when the Earth’s own transitions and cycles helps us travel through the dimensional veils.

There are many people at the moment feel down in themselves because of not being able to sleep normal hours, others feel that the connection to higher self is too difficult, and others again experience weight issues.

We encourage those who have the above difficulties at the moment to do extra physical exercice, to get plenty of fresh air, and to try to come back to your feet and sensation of your back, at regular intervals throughout the day; perhaps on the hour for one or two minutes. Sit or stand in a safe place, and just experience your feet on Mother Earth, your weight, your breath. Listen to your body guiding you in the places it needs attention, listen to your feelings and emotions, even the one that you have no desire to admit to. Just experience your self be. Let go of negative imagination, let go of the 3D dimension and allow yourself to dip into the higher dimensions.

From this state, you will be able to have a clearer picture of the situation, to let the unspoken messages from your higher self penetrate into your being, and even to merge your mind with your guides and protectors.

We send our wishes of peace and love. Multidimensional Ocean and Higher Self.

Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: https://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com   andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/

Peace is Vital at This Moment – SaLuSa 1 June 2013 – Multidimensional Ocean

Global PeaceDear ones, we salute your brave courage during this period of intense awakening across your planet.

The cabal is doing all it can to tighten its grip around you and break your spirit. However, the people have the courage of taking to the streets, of supporting each other and of taking their power back from corrupt politicians and corporate cruel interest.

We wish to salute the global movement of union and cooperation, setting into motion a world that would be based on mutual support, understanding and love. People are waking up to the fact that their trust was misplaced when it comes to politics, and realize the need to set in place a better, more humane system, which would not allow for corporations to stir public affairs and interests, and place their gains before human welfare and happiness.

Although your voices seem steadily unheard by the governments, behind closed doors they tremble, which prompt them to increase terror attacks and expands military and policing budgets, to acquire more and more powerful machines, to spy on your personal conversations on the net and on your phones.

It is important to make it clear that lies and manipulation do not work on you at this point, and that you can understand their game. It is also important to remain calm and non- violent, but firm and determined. Violence would only allow them to give rise to more policing and security measures.

It is important that you show support for those who speak up and stand up to corporate interests and cover up. We know that among their ranks, many of the people used by the cabal at a high level are waking up, speaking up, but they would also need your respect and support for doing so, perhaps even protection in most cases.

You are coming together as a collective consciousness of one, your vibrations are rising and encompassing more and more knowledge and hope. We have to insist once again on the importance of leading a spiritual journey at this time, as it is so easily forgotten about in the heat of the action.

Dear ones, more world changing events are on their way. Mother Earth is continuing to be strong no matter what the consequences are for her. By continuing to meditate and work in spiritual groups, you are also helping her to get through these tumultuous times.

It is vital for her at this stage, and for you to understand that interference in other countries affairs in the way of warfare, can only lead to more pain and destruction. It is important that the money spent on warfare is redirected for more appropriate use for your societies and for the changes the Earth is going through. Direct more time and money towards education, energy research and social expenditures, rather than pouring money into wars, and improve security on your own land.

Countries that are not taking part in any war have no need for increasing security budgets inside their own land or for military expenditures. Peace is vital now, on a personal level, as well as on the global scale.

We leave you with these words and with a prayer for peace, and for the wish that the cabal plans for hate and murder do not continue much longer.

We love you very much, thank you, I am SaLuSa from Sirius.

Channel: Multidimensional Ocean


Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: https://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com   andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/

Conversation with Higher Consciousness on the Remembering the Future – Multidimensional Ocean 29 May 2013

grounded_selfLaura: I would love to have more clarification on the experience I had today. To describe it best it would be like someone recalling a life changing moment with affection and joy, looking back at a difficult cross road into their life. Only the recalling of that memory, was also allowing you to tell your younger self at the time, that everything will work out for the best, and that this very moment will be remembered for ever and it will make you smile and laugh in years to come. And your younger self has heard your words and has felt your presence when that happened. The intermediary of this wonderful communication is the higher self, who sees the scene from above. It was like remembering that moment, but from my future self point of view. It was a memory from the future in the true sense of it

Reply from higher consciousness: Indeed we are one, when in the present moment; we can experience several time lines at the same time, as well as several dimensions, and levels of awareness.

Your future self, your higher self and your present self are one and the same being. You are in this role now, as Laura being at a cross road. But you are also your higher-self, and you are also all the aspects of yourself that you could be or that will be you.

The past, present and future are only different aspects of yourself, allowing you for several experiences to take place in an appearing linear way. In truth, there is no time, there is no division, no separation.

We are one, and this includes all the manifestations around you. The outer world, and the people inhabiting your world. They are all part of you.

It may surprise you, but you can affect the outer world by being one on the inside. You can shape and control your destiny that way. Aspire to peace, success and work hard on this new project, and on the project’s success, and this will come into manifestation.

Laura: thank you for the validation.

Energy Update – 25 May Eclipse – Multidimensional Ocean and SaLuSa


May marks an important change for many of us on a personal and on a planetary level. Many of us can feel unsettled, uncertain about the future, and feel the veil of the unknown in a more oppressing way than at any recent times. There is a sense of darkness and fear about as well due to the unsettled world events impacting our daily lives.

Extra meditation is required at this time to help the higher-self connection and to find grounding.

Find quiet place for you to rest at regular times during the day, make sure to have extra rest, and watch the quality of your food intake as well.


Important world events are around the corner

These world events have been long into preparing and we have seen some of the results manifest already concerning the willingness to spread truth and a fair system for every Earth soul. Now it seems that the energy of the eclipse is stealing our recent positivity and creating many doubts.

More good news are in the making and the light will carry out an amazing victory provided we can work in peace, and in agreement. Events are slowing down now due to the eclipse influencing most souls on Mother Earth. This is a time to come with in for most of us, to confront our own shadows, which is never comfortable.  As a result the entire outlook seems darker and uncertain.

Many of you have come to realize that the outer events are of little consequence to your own wellbeing; however there are still events where you must make your voice heard and express yourself in a peaceful manner.


SaLuSa: These are among the most uncertain times for you and for Mother Earth. The inner and outer trembling must be seen, and witnessed in order to move on in a positive direction. There is no point in suppressing what concerns you, or in living in denial. Keep an eye on your inner doubts and fears; acknowledge them, like you would acknowledge an irritating family member. Give it the attention is seeks, the time it seeks, and the light it needs.

Many of you have come together to bring to light the galactic presence during the Citizen’s Hearing, you have spread the news and will gladly continue to do so. There is a sense of the need to come together to make your democratic voice heard, and to no longer submit to the bureaucratic unrealistic ways of politicians. You need to make it clear that they are your elected representatives and that they must obey to you, not the other way around. The power the hold is due to you, and you can remove that power from them at any time. You will need to set into place such a safety net to remove politicians who are not representing your interests at best. The need for such procedure is felt by many of you.

There is also a need for opening real dialogue with the countries which are currently at war, and to bring an end to war and terrorist’s attacks. It is time to bring an end to the fear of weapons and violence. This also must be taken into account by your representatives. It is time to live at peace with the nations and with your neighbours.

This process of peace keeping should be in your hands, however, there is much propaganda and manipulation to spread hatred of minorities and fear of the unknown. There is no reason for the fear of others; it is a result of feeling apart from one another.


Inner Work

There is a need to rest more, eat healthy, be gentle and kind to yourself, but also to family, friends and pets. We need to take it one step at a time, and learn to live in the moment again. This period requires more meditation and letting go than previous periods, as there is much ending for many of us, which places us into a semi-panic mode.

Changes are good, even if they seem scary at times. Envisage the most positive outcomes always and in all, and do your best to ensure that the wanted results will be reached. Put in the extra time and work to that end is recommended at this time, as there are many delays and unexpected events that can affect you at this time.

SaLuSa: Focus on your inner world, on your inner energy, allow it to blend with your body, and with your higher brain. Allow your feelings to surface also, to have their say. Listen to them through your body, through your chest, but also use discernment.

Many of you live at such a pace, that there is no time for your higher energy to sink in and connect with your ordinary brain waves. This results in a “not knowing” situation on your part. This includes not knowing your own feelings, thoughts and physical needs at a deeper level.

We encourage you to connect with your own emotions regularly throughout the day, and acknowledge them. The path will come to you when you are feeling calm and whole.

Many thanks

SaLuSa and Multidimensional Ocean


Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: https://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com   andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/

The Ascension Road by Multidimensional Ocean

the dove ascendingCry not if this is the end of one road.
Don’t feel sad if the goals you have set for yourself are not reached
Forever know that your path has been planed and guided from above
The journey is long and difficult, you have designed it for yourself

If one door closes, another will open for you.
We knew 2012 would bring changes
now 2013 is manifesting them
Even if in different ways from what we have imagined.

Moving away from habits and comfort is part of the journey
Moving towards the unknown is making us grow
The wind will carry us where we need to be
Listen to the leaves move with the rythm of your heart

Listen to your doubts, hurts and fears
Listen to the artificial world around you
Find what is real and has substance
Follow nobody’s tracks, make your own footsteps

The road ahead is still long, the climb still remains
Companions can lighten up any burden, real or imaginary
Joy and understanding will help you.
and forget not that you are ascending 🙂

Aurora joins with Ulrika and Hy-Brasil teams by Multidimensional Ocean- 20 April 2013

558050_10151432189494023_1076441620_nLaura: Hi guys,

I have just received word from Ulrika from Agartha: we are all invited to join her and a few more on Agartha for a guided tour. And I would love to hear if any of you recall your tour tomorrow! I hope some of us do remember. It seems not many of us have much luck in remembering our Aurora dreamflights of late, including myself. Perhaps a reminder of the connection steps from the blog’s welcome note may help us remember? I must admit, I have not had any recollections in weeks.

Ok, so here is Ulrika for us:

Greetings from Agartha, this is Ulrika speaking to you once again. We have been contacted by Aurora and her crew recently and we would like to join in a few of your dreamflights. We are aware of the difficulties many of you have been experiencing recalling your dreams, and this is partly due to the sensitive nature of your missions, but also to the fact that Aurora is not coming in orbit around the Earth in person since the dreamflights have started again. Continue reading