160 San Francisco Sheriffs Deputies Threaten to Resign Over Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement

source: https://humansarefree.com/2021/08/san-francisco-sheriffs-to-resign-over-mandatory-covid-19-vaccines.html

August 10, 2021 Sponsored by Revcontent

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Around 160 San Francisco Sheriffs Deputies are threatening to resign and seek employment elsewhere or opt for early retirement due to the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy. San Francisco officials recently announced that all city employees will have to be vaccinated or face possible termination.

160 san francisco sheriffs deputies threaten to resign over mandatory covid 19 vaccine requirement

A number of San Francisco deputies will seek employment elsewhere or opt for early retirement if they are required to take the COVID-19 vaccine under a new imposed vaccine mandate, warned the city’s sheriff’s union on Friday.

San Francisco officials recently announced that all city employees will have to be vaccinated or face possible termination.

There are about 35,000 city employees. Religious exemptions or medical reasons may let some bypass the mandate, but those who refuse the shot and have no exemption will encounter consequences that could result in termination, reported the San Francisco Chronicle.

The San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association published a statement on Facebook, saying they always supported safety measures against the virus but the issue at hand is that about 160 of their Sheriffs don’t want to take the vaccine due to their beliefs.

“The problem we are faced with now is the strict San Francisco Mandate which is vaccinate or be terminated. If deputy sheriffs are forced to vaccinate a percentage of them will retire early or seek employment elsewhere,” reads the statement.

The Sheriff’s Association notes that 160 of their 700 deputies are unwilling to take the vaccine, and that they can’t afford to lose them since they already have the lowest-ever staffing due to applicant testing restrictions imposed by the mayor.

“The majority of Deputy Sheriffs are vaccinated. Approximately 160 out 700 Deputy Sheriffs are not vaccinated [and] prefer to mask and test weekly instead of being vaccinated due to religious and other beliefs.

Currently, the staffing at the SFSO is at the lowest it has ever been due to the past 9-month applicant testing restriction placed on the Sheriff’s Office by the May.”

As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, numerous members of the U.S. military also said that they would quit if the armed forces mandated a COVID-19 vaccine, after a report claimed that Army headquarters told commanders to prepare for mandatory vaccinations in September.

According to a Pentagon report almost 75% of US troops refused taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Addressing the allegation of a cover-up, the spokesperson for the agency, John Kirby informed the news outlets about the reason for the lack of exact data.

According to a survey more than half of Americans do not want COVID-19 vaccine.

In India, the Indian Air Force has been served a show cause notice by the Gujarat High Court for forcing to dismiss an officer after he refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine stating that he was using ayurvedic medicines suggested by the AYUSH ministry to increase his immunity against COVID-19.

The officer who challenged his termination in the Gujarat High Court has succeeded in getting a stay from the court.

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About multidimensionalocean

I have always known that I am a starseed, however I only consider myself as a lightworker for the past few years. The idea had never occurred to me before that I could somehow contribute to the Golden Age. I have been contacted by SaLuSa from Sirius with ArchAngel Michael (also known as Ashtar on Earth) while living on an isolated farm. Archangel Michael appeared as a blue flash of light a few times while I was watching videos about UFOs. Then he appeared to me with SaLuSa. Their presence was like the Sunlight in my home. There was also an entire fleet in the field behind the farm, camouflaged as clouds. Their presence is always telepathic, but also sometimes they send me images of themselves, or I can simply hear them with my 3rd eye or intuition. They saved my life at least once, and I had 3 small crafts above my house after an accident at the house, of which they warned me about during a channeling, and they guided me about how to resolve the situation and warned me about the outcome and the reason of the accident... I was also contacted by another group of Galactic Family: one Arcturian being, one Andromedean, and a beautiful lady green reptoid from Sirius B. I had asked to make Contact and they have responded to my call during my sleep. They communicated with my telepathically, while I was in a state of lucid awareness. The green lady was with me for about one week, even at work and in my car at times. These were all absolutely magical experiences. Over my life, I spoke to our Star Brothers and Sisters a few times from their spaceship and once one of their spaceshifting spaceships wanted to land on my lawn, but I had to insist that they didn't and explained that the neighbours would'nt understand. They agreed and shapeshifted into a flying leave and went up into space, after having taken a positing of about 5 meters in front of my window, and I could even see the silhouette of the being at the window. I do meditations and consultations on demand. Please feel free to contact me on Multidimensionalocean@gmail.com Laura

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