Make a Wish – SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 12 Oct. 2013

Make a Wish – SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 12 Oct. 2013

Dear ones,

The times ahead will fill your heart with tears of joy and love. The angelic realms have prepared a love show for many of you, especially in the lightworker and spiritual circles. Have no expectations of where your life would like to be and do not feel overly concerned if things don’t go according to you plans. The divine and your higher-self has a much bigger and lager plan for you, a plan which cannot be comprehended by the linear ordinary mind, a plan which reunites all the dimensions, all your lives (past present and future ones) and will reunite your over soul.

While the outer world will continue to be plagued by wars and fear, we ask you to focus on your own wellbeing, to spread your light, love and help to those in need. We also ask you to focus on your own balance and grounding. We know that the pace of life and demands are accelerating on you, however, it would be of immense help if you could make time and space for yourself daily.

We have time and again asked you to try finding a spiritual physical group when possible, and by that we don’t only mean the online community. It does not have to be a group connected to star beings, just a group that will help you ground, where all come in love to share a few moments of each other’s’ lives together in harmony. We realize the difficulty that this poses to many of you because of distance, of family and of other responsibilities, etc… however if you set your intent to it, you will find a place, somehow even if it is months ahead of you still. When you make a genuine wish request to the universe, the universe will try its best to find a fitting shoe for it in due time. Just be patient.

As an exercise, we ask you to give yourself a few hours in advance or even a few days in advance, and make a wish. A genuine wish that you have, it can be small or big, it can be finding that parking space next to your work or it can be finding the person that your heart needs to heal at this moment in time. Make the wish and give the universe some time to manifest, just think of it as a game and a fun experiment, and have no expectations what so ever, in fact it is best to forget about it once you have made your wish.

If you find this experiment useful, then you could expand the wish for peace on Earth and for permanent Ascension perhaps.

Focus the light within, as always, and the outer world will fit into place around you.

With our loving affection, your star brothers and I, SaLuSa from Sirius, wish you a wonderful time ahead. Sense and visualize your inner light, and spread it over your physical world to create the world that you wish to live in.

Thank you, SaLuSa

Channel: Multidimensional Ocean


Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title, is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and

11 thoughts on “Make a Wish – SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 12 Oct. 2013

  1. Sirian Heaven

    A new wonderful message from beloved SaLuSa as we all know he gives us again and again. Uplifting, encouraging and enlightening. So lovely and beautiful. Thank you ma SaLu and my dear lovely one Laura! ❤ ❤ ❤

  2. Pingback: Make a Wish – SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 12 Oct. 2013 | sweetwillowman

  3. Crystaline Blue.

    wish made to my Angelic family who have guided and been there always. Thank you SaluSa and Laura a blessed message as always. Hope all is well for you dear sister love light and blessings to all

  4. Pingback: Convesaciones con SaLuSa DESPERTANDO SaLuSa – Pidan un deseo |

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