SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean – A Sense of the Future – 26 Aug 2013

1234039_10151654160579023_576927332_nGlorious are the months and years to come, as you will recall the times that you are going through with much pleasure at recalling the last months of your life when you were still half blind to your true nature and immense possibilities.

As we go through the coming months, the light will shine for ever stronger in your lives, it will not know any limits, and your consciousness levels will rise for ever more. You are awakening from a long slumber, from a long sleep, from a frozen state as it were.

Many people speak the truth these days, although the cabal is still attempting to tighten its grip around you. To be fair, it would be correct to say that the more the cabal tries to control your every move, your every thought, your every word, the more the light will shine on their actions and plots.

The liberation from the cabal and its ways has to come from within as well as from the outside world.  Join those who expose the working of the cabal and see the effects that the cabal’s ploys have on you, or rather the effects that the cabal wishes it had on you.

You light is being dimmed by the cabal efforts to undermine your consciousness awakening, as well as trying to weaken your physical, emotional and mental body. Their attempts to pollute your water, your food supply, your atmosphere will be stopped by your own collective consciousness and by your own awareness. Follow the path to the truth and you will also find the path to self-liberation and to freedom.

For many thousands of years you have allowed your power to be taken away from you, you have allowed your free will to be interfered with, you have allowed your health and the health of your children to be undermined. At last you are beginning to understand that your power is in collision and acting together as one.

Speak of what gives you concern about your environment, about your political leaders, about social issues, about your health to those who have similar concerns, and you will exchange information, which is very often what lacks most on your planet. Show your openness, your goodwill, your interest and that you all have the same goal ultimately.

The sense of unity that was missing for many centuries or even thousands of years, is finally reaching your consciousness as you realise that everything that you do, think and say impacts those around you directly or indirectly.

Your role is mainly to be a catalyst for the global changes that the Earth is experiencing right now. This is why so many of you are needed to incarnate at this time on Mother Earth, whereas there were not many lightworkers present in the history of this planet.

As you see our ships passing in the night, many of you can feel a sense of peace and happiness at the knowledge that you are not alone in the Universe, that you are not alone to have intelligence and life running through your veins. Progress on the relationships between star sisters and brothers will be the next important step for the human consciousness, as you are still uncovering the cabal’s hidden agendas and spying program on every single living being of your planet. The cabal’s plan of controlling you through knowing everything to is to know about you is being stopped and dismantled as we speak on the higher levels of realities. You will have to be an active role player in this process if this is a call that you hear.

Once this step has been dealt with, and that you re-establish a sense of control over your government, you will begin making friendships and partnerships with Galactic beings, who will suddenly be more open and well disposed towards the human being from Earth. Ending wars and any type of nuclear programs permanently will conclude a permanent stable friendship between the Galactic Federation and the Earth Allies. For the moment you can see our ships patrol in your skies and observe, take surveys of the environment. We hope that this will lead the Earth population to understanding that we are in no way a threat to you, and that our intentions are peaceful.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and we send you much love and affection in your endeavours for love and truth.

Thank you, SaLuSa

Channel: Multidimensional Ocean


Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title, is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and

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About Laura

I am a starseed, possibly from the Pleiadies or Andromeda. I am on this journey since age 3, so.. for 35 years.. and i am doing spiritual group work for over 15 years also. I enjoy poetry, music, nature, animals, joking, having fun, listening to spirit. I have connected with many star beings, from various worlds, humanoid or not. Connections happen while awake or in dream like state. Shall we expand our consciousness together.

26 thoughts on “SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean – A Sense of the Future – 26 Aug 2013

  1. Pingback: SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean – A Sense of the Future – 26 Aug 2013 | Spirit Train Chronicles

  2. Sirian Heaven

    I not only like, I LOVE this message. He tells us so clearly that we need to do our homeworks. That WE are our own saviors and not them but that they help and assist us. A clear message for usand a wonderful too. He comes to the point as usual. Love you so much my dear SaLuSa and love you too my dear sis Laura. Thank you both for this.

    1. Laura Post author

      Thank you dear Ellen for your input on my questions from the previous post and on FB 🙂 Blessings and joy to you dear lady ❤

  3. Len Smith

    has been wondering, but really now, no wonder that literally hundreds of people have bee coming together through friendship recommends too many to even count but it doesn’t take much thought to realize there is(are) reason(s) for this sudden? collective to begin communicating, even though there must be a more effective way than fb with the distractions and waste of time it involves… I could use some hints on other channels to use as I am being “punished” for (ahem) “too many friend requests” shame shame on me–am suspended indefinitely maybe permanently as I am reluctant to click onthe acknowledgement button admitting my reckless abuse of this ‘honorable’ system. Side benefit: no one from fb may see this ‘secret’ message’ {suspended, oh yea) it can remain clueless and we can move on to better media..suggestions appreciated. Also at odds with the twits admin over seeming censorship/deletion of extended posts, even tho posts are requested, such as for the Red Bull photo series. Am off to the postoffice for stamps as snail mail is still an option, huh? or will it be IM or some similar means? Kinda got carried away, do not hesitate editing this down to whatever essentials may be stumbled onto here. Sure mass info/problem solving will be quicker with such cooperation even in clueless fb. thanks

    1. Laura Post author

      Always enjoying reading your input and help dear Len ❤ Much love and gratitude dear friend !! 🙂

  4. vendo4151

    Nice to hear from our old friend in the Sirian Starship. I remember when more than 3 years ago on GM I commented that sometimes I wondered if SaLuSa was following us on that forum. I got a funny feeling sometimes. Like the next message had a coded response to comments on the previous message, … something like that. And I got shot down and laughed at by a few people. You were the only one who defended me Laura! … lol.

    What this channeling suggests to me is a sort of gravity working on the cabal. As unstoppable as gravity. Many of us here, I think of us as wanderers, a term used in the Law of One series, are here to help ease this force of gravity. It’s coming anyway, in it’s cyclical majestic power. But the texture and flavor of this unstoppable power, as it is perceived, is quite malleable and flowing..

    And wanderers, answering the call for volunteers by the highest elders, risk all sorts of karmic entanglement in a seemingly foolhardy dive into uncharted water, .. lol.

    I would have gotten killed for that one on GM too no doubt! …. 🙂 … Nice message Laura, … timely I think.

    1. Laura Post author

      As always I value your input dear Vendo !! Last time i checked GM seems to have gone off line.. humm.. well, i wish Sara, and everybody else there all my best wishes ❤ We sure met plenty of remarkable people there! past and present 😉 You not the least !! 🙂
      I have to say it was a good time in my life there for a few months 🙂 but then i heart myself, along with you and Wes to a few bricks on the head… lol Never mind ! it is all good in the end 🙂
      Oh! thank you about the reply in the question for my future!! heheh ! too sweet ! I know the comments suck there.. but there are over 200 spam a day for one or two comments… it is just too much for one person to moderate and folow the comments … some people managed to post though.. no idea how?? and no idea if they will be able to do it again? Hugs and good night dear friend !! 🙂 xo

  5. roew

    Thank you Laura for bringing this message from SaLuSa it is always good to hear from him . ….I wish you well dear sister …..roew

    1. Laura Post author

      Thank you my dear sister roew! You are always of immense help and love to me! I am sorry i left you down with the last reading, as 2012indyinfo was down and we had much work and stress to deal with.. then at the same time the trip for the last exam.. and also.. the children in my estate were driving me insane with their football banging against my wall all the time.. thanks god holiday time is over now!! back to school tomorrow.. 🙂 .. i i could not channel for a while.. or do much of my usual stuff.. moving in a different country in 2 weeks, and lots lots of work for that..and for my course already.. so sorry for not keeping up with emails.. i won’t be able to for a while sweetie! but you are always in my mind.. as you know!! ❤ 🙂 xoxo

  6. ohnwentsya

    Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you, Laura. What an uplifting message to start the day with. I really feel what he is telling us in this one. People are coming together, creepy secrets are being exposed daily, and there are so many positive signs all over.
    Last week at a shopping center we saw a huge double rainbow that lasted for at least half an hour, and everyone was taking pictures and smiling. It used to be just me excited over the rainbows and most people just laughed at me or rushed on but it seems like people are changing in a good way.;-)

    1. Laura Post author

      As always I so resonate with you dear Dorian !! I am so happy I met you !! you are a great lady ! and i admire you a lot !! i am glad that you are also seeing the changes around you where you are ❤ <3<3

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