Ulrika from Agartha – Listen to us More often! – by Multidimensional Ocean

Hi folks!

I have received a call from Inner Earth tonight. I have decided to go ahead and type the heart to heart messages for all to read. I have had a strange ghostly visit in my room for the past week. This message has cleared up one or two things for me to say the least. Thanks for speaking up, dear Ulrika!


Message from Ulrika from Agartha

Greetings, I am Ulrika of Agartha. I come forward today to offer joy an abundance of love and happiness for our human’s soul brothers and sisters.

We know of your heart’s desire for reunion with your brothers and sisters from Inner Earth, and your desire also reflects our own desire. We feel strongly that we have been apart for far too long. The time when our worlds were one is so far and remote, that many among you and us no longer possess any memories of our lives together as one.

Believe me, dear brothers and sisters that our seclusion from the surface was not in agreement with all of us. However, in order to keep the peace among us, we have gone along with these isolation directives from you, our surface brothers and sisters.

Our world is so protected and sheltered from outsiders that we are now in a situation similar to a baby in the womb of its mother. Although our technology allows us to leave our inner domain, we rarely interact with the non-human galactic extra-terrestrial, we would rarely interact with other species at all in fact, if it were not for common divine directives in which we participate on regular basis. Those projects are, however, undertaken more or less by the same people, who have become in a way victim of their own openness to outsiders, if you follow me.

I wished to communicate with you now, however, as you will find me to be a strong personality, who rarely minces her words. I guess it is a case of resonance and empathy here.

The strong grip of my mind is not meant to be uncomfortable, dear one. You and I are one of a kind.

I am aware of your growing resistance to opening up your mind to this kind of communication, and in perfect honesty I could never blame you for it.

It is I who have been trying to make contact with you for over a week now, as you can see I am not the shy type of person.  I apologise for scaring you for a few nights, in your room while you are trying to go to sleep.  But I had little choice, as your mind is always engaged in various activities and you are rarely alone. I had to get your attention, and I am glad you finally lent me a ear. I will let you rest tonight, I promise, no more playing funny tricks on you, dear one.

I thank you for your attention (at last!) and I hope that I will no longer need to intrude in your room while you are trying to sleep in the future. Keep one ear open for us, down here always dear sister.

Much love, rest assured, that there is much hope for our reunion on the horizon, all will be revealed. Have patience for now just a little longer.


Channeled by Laura Multidimensional Ocean

Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: https://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com   andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/

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About Laura

I am a starseed, possibly from the Pleiadies or Andromeda. I am on this journey since age 3, so.. for 35 years.. and i am doing spiritual group work for over 15 years also. I enjoy poetry, music, nature, animals, joking, having fun, listening to spirit. I have connected with many star beings, from various worlds, humanoid or not. Connections happen while awake or in dream like state. Shall we expand our consciousness together.

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