Short Reflection Suggestion by SaLuSa – 14 Dec. 2013- by Multidimensional Ocean


ascension-bg-beach-01Hi everybody! Just a quick reminder from SaLuSa, who came through during my meditation.
He wanted to remind us that Ascension is not a passive process, as some people may be enclinded to believe.
He wished to remind us that Ascension is not up to the ETs or to the Higher levels of consciousness of the Angelic Relams.
It is a process for which we have volunteered to take part in, by incarnating upon the Earth, and by bringing light to the 3 dimensional realms.
The question is, what does it mean for lightworkers to bring the light? and how does one do that?
This is something that the Galactic Federation and their motherships would like us to consider during the Christmas break and take our time to meditate on.
The answers must come to us from within, from Higher Self, otherwise it is of little value to us and to Mother Earth.
He does not expect us to read the answer online, but to ponder upon this and to meditate on this with the help of our Higher Self.
I shall reflect upon this myself, thank you SaLuSa ❤

10 thoughts on “Short Reflection Suggestion by SaLuSa – 14 Dec. 2013- by Multidimensional Ocean

  1. Pingback: Short Reflection Suggestion by SaLuSa – 14 Dec. 2013- by Multidimensional Ocean | unity2013

  2. vendo4151

    There is no question of the necessity of participation, .. but what comes first, the chicken or the egg? ……. If it is the egg then it must be big enough and strong enough to break threw the shell. But if the chicken comes first then it must do all to survive to bring forth the egg and protect it. …………….. So the question is:, are “we” the one or the other, … or, …. are “you” the one or the other?

    But how many people will be willing to admit that they are chicken? …… 🙂

  3. Pingback: Short Reflection Suggestion by SaLuSa – 14 Dec. 2013- by Multidimensional Ocean | sweetwillowman

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