SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 27 Sept 2013

SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 27 Sept 2013
Many of you now feel at a loss with the change of seasons, especially in the Northern hemisphere. The mood is going down with the loss of sunshine and the increasing amount of rain. The children going back to school and the resuming of the school term routine is adding on to this. Furthermore the negative news promoted by your media is not helping you… mood lift.
As you are much busier, many of you get very little opportunites to mediate and to relax. It is therefore easy to forget yourself and your purpose on the planet. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the grey skies and by the rain. It is difficult to fathom for you sometimes that you are always watched, protected and loved by many beings that you can not see. Keep calm, keep faith in us and in yourself, trust your guides to help you as much as possible. Never lose faith or feel desperate. We keep watching over you and loving you. Relax and trust the great picture, trust in love and in joy. You are never alone and things will work out for you as you wish eventually. Stay strong, trust in your higher self and come back to your body occasionally, even in the heat of the action. There is much joy above your heads, even when you feel totally blocked from your higher self. Go within and feel the flow of life, the flow of joy and love coming with abundance into your body.
We love you as always.
Thank you
Channel: Multidimensional Ocean
Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title, is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: and

8 thoughts on “SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 27 Sept 2013

  1. Sirian Heaven

    Oh yes ma SaLu so many grey days and rain the last two weeks, you know so well. But I know you are with me and that you all protect and guide me. Thank you for being there and thank you for this wonderful message through my lovely one Laura. Thank you for sharing Laura ❤ ❤ Love you

  2. roew-MaLA

    Thank you SaLuSa it is good to know we are loved and watch , it brings hope and joy, and you my sister Laura I hope you are doing well . Be in peace Laura …..roew

  3. vendo4151

    I’m sure the fall blues is true for many, … but the autumns here in southern N.E. are comfortable and beautiful, … and famous for that. .. The trick is to not think about what comes later! … lol

  4. Pingback: SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 27 Sept 2013 | Multidimensional Ocean | 2012 Indy Info

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