Author Archives: lauramultidimensionalocean

Twinflames, Take a Day out.. or two !

sun-leaves-green-leaves-background-blue-sky-sun-sunshine-sunrays-trees-43547538We live in a world of doing, seeming, appearances and pretense.
We keep forgetting who we our during our day, we get caught in doing, performing, acting, associations about the past, planning our future, etc…
It is important to make room and space for our life within during the day, but especially at the start and end of the day.

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Twinflames Joining in Spirit by Multidimensional Occean

62876_10151395106599567_1605581536_nHi everybody. I am going through a difficult sorting out situation with 2 soul mates/ karmic mates. After a few near twins experiences, meaning that they had similar energy with my TF, I finally met my TF in Oct. last year.
He wants to give me time and space to sort out my unfinished business with my soul mates, so we are not in touch for the past few months, although we do see our common friends regularly and we get updates from each other from them.
I guess he might be sorting out his own ongoing business on his side.
Just had the most amazing experience with him/ higher self tonight. It went on for over one hour!!
Last week, I finally made it clear (I think) to my primary soul mate / karmic mate that our story is over. Which was another dramatic/ traumatic experience for both of us.
Anyway, since, I have felt my TF higher dimension’s presence more often.
Tonight was yet the most amazing energy sharing experience yet.
The telepathic connection was the most powerful and clear ever. I could feel our higher self connect us physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually.
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Part 2 Twin flame versus Primary soulmate by Multidimenisonal Ocean 14th August 2016

meeting-your-twin-flame-290x150Someone asked me how does one recognise the primary soulmate.

I have said a few things in the first part of this topic (click here: )

In addition to that I would say:

that this love theme between you can be present in your life for decades, without you actually having a love/ sexual relationship.

It is more on the romantic side, but definitively is sexual – not necessary 3D sex, but can also be higher dimensional sex relationship, which by the way are a lot more powerful and significant than 3D sex.

The feelings between you are as close to eternal as possible, as such they don’t go into the negative side of things. You may feel infuriated by this person on rare occasions, but your loving feelings for each other are so deep, that love between you cannot be broken. It can evolve and grow, and you can make room for other relationships for each other’s growth, but the love between you is ALWAYS THERE.

A very deep and powerful connection and familiarity with this person.

There can be a bit of an ego trip related to it, and a power game / struggle.

There can be a deep sense of possession and jealousy. This may lead to a stuck situation between you two for years. For example one may want to reunite or get married, but the other might prefer to remain free and experiment. This may leave the other bitter and resentful, wanting revenge, or to imprison the other primary. A certain sense of control is present. Continue reading

The light is within – Message from Higher Self from Multidimensional Ocean 13th August 2016

d00dc0f7a259d5251b982d70073e17f4The light is within. You always look outside, around, listen to the outer world, get taken by it, by the dreams it supplies to your head.

The only thing that matters is now, go within, as there lies all the deeper answers.

When you feel lost, confused and lonely, we ask you to stop what you are doing. Stop and take in the breath of the world, but take it from within. Take it from your tuned and weighted presence; take it with a few gentle breaths. The breath gives you life and strength to carry on, when your head tells you that you cannot longer endure. Feel the air enter your lungs, come in through your skin, we are all connected, here and now. Continue reading

Twin flame versus Primary soulmate part 1: your primary soulamate by Multidimensional Ocean 12th Aug. 2016

josephine-wall-oil-painting-569-6-1024x768Hi everybody! Time for the summer romantic twinflame / primary soulmate articles to come up.

Here is one of the ways one can differentiate between primary soulmate and twinflame love.

But first shall we clarify what is the role and function of your primary soulmate.

You have no secrets for your primary soulmate, and this causes a strong discomfort in many cases. You may experience at first the following things:

  • You are just not able to speak to that person, this can go on for years.
  • An unusual shyness around him or her.
  • You lose track of time around them
  • You just cannot function any longer in the usual and normal way when they are around.
  • You feel that your primary soulmate picks up on everything that you feel and think.
  • You may well feel that they would criticise you if you behave the way you usually carry on when they are with you.

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Why is it called a Twin Flame ?

Hi guys, just wanted to share my experiences about my twinflame.
1 – this is the only person that I fell 100 % connected and understood. While we might not agree on things and have different experiences, and ideas about plenty of things, we always deeply understand and love each other in a way that nobody else can.
2 – we met for the first time at a spiritual weekend. At some point he was staring at me looking at me with litterally flames in his eyes.
3 – the most interesting aspect in fact and also the most singular is that burning sensation that I feel for him, and only for him. I have often wondered what was meant by the term twinflame, why was this term used, and what had flames to do with it ? Well apart from the obvious allusion to passion etc, the flames is a very real thing. Continue reading

Questions and answers from Sirius – channelled by Multidimensional Ocean 7th May 2016

Sirius_A_and_B_Hubble_photo_fullLaura and her Higher Self: I made contact with GlaXo, the pilot of the Sirian ship that I am connected with. Glaxo has indicated to me that he is not at the liberty of commenting on SaLuSa’s present mission and whereabouts. He just says that SaLuSa is still overlooking the changes on Earth, and is currently doing work between Earth and Sirius B. The nature of this work has not been specified at this time. GlaXo is aware of the fact that our messages are being read and decoded by people not very well intentioned to quote him directly. So he is using caution in his answers, and prefers to remain on the side of elusiveness and no specifics for now.

Question: what is First contact time frame? This life time for us or the next one? Continue reading

Birth of a new energy in the higher dimensions and twin flames by Multidimensional Ocean


Twin flames are such a blessing to all those around them that they bring a smile to everybody in their lives when they feel happy and blissful.

Indeed united twinflames are a real gift from above. Their energies blend as one literally, and it brings about the most powerful higer self being possible on the planet. Twinflames are part of the same higher-self, however when higher self and bodies of twin flames are truly one, it brings about literally a third being, it is like a birthing process between the higher energies of both individuals, it is a true re-joining on the higher spheres of existence. Continue reading

Twin flames and primary soul mate role – by Multidimensional Ocean 24th Jan. 2016

Twin flames and primary soul mate role – by Multidimensional Ocean 24th Jan. 2016
Many souls have accompanied our soul self through various incarnations. We meet many past lives lovers and husbands in this life in order to balance out what still remains to be balanced.
The journey of love and forgiveness is a long and repetitive one indeed for us humans.
The primary soulmate is the one who you have shared most love and most karmic experiences. Now is the time for us to forgive and forget our primary soulmate.
It is also a time to welcome back into our life our twin flame. The love that is eternal will very quickly be rekindled between you and the need for one another will be obvious.
Via incarnations and in this life, many of the experiences in love that we had took place in order to prepare the work for healing the past with our primary soulmate. We have met many people that share a common energy with him. 

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First Meeting – All Timelines coming together by Multidimensional Ocean

Cinderella-Castle-1440x900-wide-wallpapers.netLong trip coming to an end for Princess Mastio of Malavia and her entourage. On the way they travelled with another noble convoy on its way to the Chikks Castle for this big festive gathering.

The Chikks Castle was built on a battle ground, but time had transforms the pain that those fields had experienced into blossoming fertile grounds, full of trees, flowers and pastures. The Castle’s domain was vast and situated at the heart of the biggest trading centre in Europe. Continue reading

SaLuSa to me by Multidimensional Ocean 22nd December 2015

SaLuSa to me by Multidimensional Ocean 22nd December 2015

Dear ones, we wish to send you a short message of peace and love upon your planet and for your hearts and souls.

Remember that you are all light beings, who have once shared the light of the Creator and as part of this Unique Being, you owe it to yourself to love all that is and will be.

We are saddened by the continuous wars upon your world and wish to see peace and love reign upon the surface of your planet, if only for one day. Continue reading